The aliveness in all the moments we usually miss as we reminisce about yesterday and worry about tomorrow, we fill our days with obligation and responsibility and we forget… we forget that life is meant to be full but not chaotic and busy, it’s not solely about the big moments but also the small, our bodies are speaking to us in all moments and we tend to ignore it and wish it something else…
It’s not supposed to be that way,
Pleasure is not about the orgasm, sex or getting our rocks off, it’s about being so intimate with life that it bubbles away and radiates from us as we melt into the richness of what is available to us. I would LOVE to see a pandemic of Horny Housewives.
Because the evolution and happiness of Women comes largely from household Mumma’s that feel like their existence revolves around the kids… and let’s face it it kinda does, but prioritising yourself, your pleasure and intimacy is for them as well, everyone benefits from this “work.”
Because here’s the thing…
Where women are not second-class citizens, an afterthought or goodwill gesture.
Where we created a wave of women who tapped into their pleasure and s e x magick.
Where we are not here to emasculate men, instead offer them a fruit they have never tasted.
That of a liberated, fully expressed, well- fked woman.
Who’s wild and untamed hands want to caress every fibre of their being.
Walking embodiments of what it means to be holy and human with hedonism running through our veins that binds us all together as one.
It’s the inception of all inceptions.
One that does not subscribe to dominant men and radiant women.
Where our saviour is dependent on Christ.
Before labels, boxes and containment there was freedom, the primordial wisdom of the womb’s intelligence whereby it was revered as the seat of our intuition.
When we peel back the layers of each other we see ourselves.
No more romanisation of a love that is based on expectations that we call standards.
Or using our past to predict our future.
We must make room for ethical non-performative spirituality and s e x uality.
The exclusive club is no longer vibing.
The hand-selected communication based on our own level of importance that we call discernment is now transparent.
Access into our field is not consent to access our divinity.
Where we can no longer be silenced, suppressed or shamed for the genitals we were both with.
I am here for the disruption of all the outdated beliefs around Eros, Kink & Intimacy, to empower women to be fully expressed and liberated in their skin.
Join us inside KarmaSOMA to melt into this new paradigm of Love, Eros and Intimacy.