Code Of Ethics & Conduct
We are here to make a difference.
We are here to work with people who are dedicated to being the change for the social impact of your ancestral line and those of others to raise the consciousness of the planet.
Alignment is everything so you need to know what we stand for.
Ending Violence Against Womxn.
Black Lives Matter.
Child Trafficking.
Building Profitable Social Enterprises.
Amplifying voices.
We choose to decolonise our business in an attempt to erase segregations such as “other”, normal, ordinary, whiteness, standard, diverse and binary.
We are consciously rejecting internalised norms and taboos that are products of colonialism and privilege.
We recognise that this is something that cannot happen all at once and we will begin to decolonise our mind, researching our past, present and future from all dominant, systematic and biased perspectives.
It is our aim to achieve true equality.
We don’t want to reinforce an existing unjust system- we want to challenge it.
Diversity alone is not enough to bring about equality; we believe decolonisation offers rehabilitation and reconciliation.
We actively encourage diversity and inclusion, while opposing all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, gender, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
We don’t want to enrol you into one line of thinking, being or living, instead let us be the organism that opens up for everyone to be living, breathing extensions of our innermost radiant being. We ask you to not conform to whiteness nor my ideas, choices, culture and values.
Instead, bring all yours, we welcome all of you and want you to honour it and own it, flaunt and be your incredible self.
I, Renee Mayne as the Principal of the School acknowledge the inequality of my own self and self-image.
I acknowledge the land I was birthed, raised and reside in was never ceded and belongs to the Nations First People and we are committed to "Pay The Rent."
I recognise my white privilege and bias has at times caused and fuelled inequality and potential pain.
I recognise my white privilege and non-disabled body has given me opportunities, experiences and a life that not everyone has had. I acknowledge this company was built on white privilege.
My lineage.
I am a descendant of Britain, with predominantly English blood and Irish blood. I pay respect to both my bloodline and my soul lineage.
Somatic Kink and The Intuitive Dominatrix Lineage.
These teachings encompass Somatic Processing, Sacred Kink, Eros, Embodiment, Integration, Intuition, Hermetic Universal Laws, Archetypes and Energy Medicine.
We honour the lineage of this work, including the temple gatherings, is Pantheon, Hermetic and Sanskrit.
We honour both the ancestral bloodline and soul lineage of this body o work.
Ownership to ensure we will always continue to pay respect and honour this work with absolute sovereignty and integrity.
Our Teachers.
We honour both our formal and informal Teachers' past, present and future.
Our Actions For Reconciliation, Rehabilitation and Equality.
Continual learning and listening.
Full inclusion in images, articles and promotion.
Half scholarships upon inquiry and application for anyone who is genuinely called to this work however they are experiencing financial hardship at this time.
To financially invest in Australia’s first people equality and where we profit from any culture and/ or disability we will contribute a percentage to a charity of the client’s choice through our quarterly event ENAMOUR and Pay The Rent.
To invest in experts, products, services and speakers from people with disability, BIPOC, LGBTQ and all humans.
Events and workshops to be accessible for everybody.
We will use our platform to amplify voices.
* We also acknowledge that this will constantly evolve as we do and we are learning and listening.
"I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." Maya Angelou
UnMarketing & UnSelling Promise
Everything you see written, posted and published under the School Of Somatic Kink has been delivered knowing that you are perfect, you have done nothing wrong, you don’t need fixing, healing or improving.
I am not here to sell you anything.
To “market” anything to you.
It is my intention that something will resonate or it won’t.
There is no push, pull or attraction marketing.
No manipulation of any kind believing you are less than.
To never invest any time, money and energy into healing myself, growing, improving or fixing. Choosing to instead go further and further, deeper and deeper into ourselves. Then play, explore and transfigure from that space, to create, capture and serve from that space.
It is with all my heart and soul that I want nothing more from you than for you to trust what your body, heart and soul is trying to communicate to you, may you hear and trust that.
Whether it be an experience with me or not.
It is our promise that we do everything in our power to restore your power.
More options don’t equate to bigger and better.
Our body of work is designed to dismantle the social manipulation of sales and marketing tactics and strategies that persuades us that we in some way are not enough. We explore, listen and create how we can serve, show up and invent from this expansive be-ing.
This is rolled out at every touchpoint.
We hereby declare that you see yourself as a modern-day Disruptor, Creator, Leader, Mystic and Outlaw that is ready to smash all the rules, the conditioning and beliefs (even the hidden ones) that we can in some way outsmart the universe.
We hereby call in people who hunger to…
Embody, and
Lead this way of life where we unmarket and unsell.
Believing that we share (“market”) in a way that is-
In integrity and matches this fifth dimension and ethos of “the now”, whereby-
Simply embodying who we are,
Being the most honest expression of ourselves,
Opening up the floodgates to pleasure we know and trust that we will resonate and call in the people we were always destined to serve.
You can also read our entire code of ethics here.
It is from this space that I invite you to check out our services.
CREDIT: I want to acknowledge that the original term “Unmarketing” belongs to Scott Stratten and I have his full permission to use this term in my policy and promise. (Thank you)

We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.
change is necessary.

Honesty. Integrity. Congruency. Inclusion.
We are devoted to the inclusion of every body, every race, every gender, every age, every color, every disability and every sexual orientation.
This will be congruent, at the forefront and at the crux of everything we do, from marketing to events to our team to how we serve and
show up everyday.
If by chance we make an error, please feel free to let us know by emailing info@reneemayne.com.au.
We respect you, your path, your past, your future, your experience and your email address to our very core.
Complete confidentially will always be sacred, respected and protected to the highest possible standard. All personal information will
be safely secured in a locked facility.
We will never use an image, film, a compliment or any information that is sensitive is of you or was generated by you without your
We are not here to skirt around, tiptoe or do anything half-arsed. We are leading a revolution of sacred, hedonistic and expansive
evolution in the most delicious way and we are here to guide you in the most profound way.
For us to do that, we promise to be completely transparent, open and clear in all communication, to be honest, and be 100% responsible
in our framework, boundaries, discernment and service to you. For us to completely shatter all expectations you have and help you
unfurl your evolution into your multi-dimension- juicy self.
To be dedicated to stepping out of our own way and into our non-local intuition, cosmic frequency and quantum field to be a
transmission of good like this world has never seen.
The scaffolding we have around you during your time with us will be tight, firm, gentle and fluid to ensure you are professional,
spiritually, mentally and personally held throughout your entire transformation with us.
To be the best we can be in an unregulated industry, it is our duty and honour to continue our growth, education and our evolution so
we can fully serve you and facilitate your epic experience with us.
We are here for your awakening, your evolution and your divine eros' therefore we adhere to both the IICT and The Institute for
Intuitive Intelligence code of ethics. This document is more than words on a piece of paper, it is the lifeblood and a living, breathing,
vibrant, important force that resides permanently in every thought, action and decision we make.
Full disclosure.
It is our promise to never disrespect, judge or speak ill of other people, programs, events or modalities in a vain attempt to make a sale,
“get a like” or “a share”.
At the heart of every word is absolute integrity.
We will be all-inclusive of all humans who walk this earth in all imagery, experiences and content.
We will always quote every source, respect every artist, praise and name all inspiration and where it comes from. Honour our teachers,
mentors and colleagues and never plagiarize any body of work. Ever.
We will never make empty promises, exaggerate our capabilities, set up unrealistic expectations, have ulterior motives or agendas or
overinflate what we can and can’t do.
We will never consent to work with anyone whom we genuinely feel we cannot help.
Client care, this code of ethics will always stand before money and self-interest.
All programs, sessions and cancellations are permitted within 48 hours to our scheduled time. Otherwise, there is a 50% charge for the
service scheduled. Unless otherwise stated in the relevant program, event or experience with us.
We will do everything in our power to resolve all conflicts in the most honouring and respectful way for everyone involved. Whilst
evaluating and acting as stated below, we will always use our discernment to ensure both parties are acting with the purest of intent
and mean no harm to anyone. Action is always at the discretion of The School Of Somatic Kink.
First, we will listen deeply to the thoughts, feelings and opinions of the person involved. We will take into consideration what has been aired
and reflect upon our own potential misjudgment, error and feelings toward the issue and do whatever action is required for us to be
self-responsible, clear and decisive with what is required for us to resolve and transfigure this issue.
We are always open to our own expansion and express our duty of care, social responsibility and will do whatever is necessary to
adhere to us being completely congruent in everything we do and all that we stand for