
This work improves and saves relationships,
It builds confidence,
Gives you clarity,
Provides you with an opportunity to opt out of the spiritual matrix,
The constant healing paradigm,
We melt trauma,
Alter lives and lineages,
Dissolve intergenerational trauma,
Heal abuse,
Make fantasies a reality,
Resolve disconnect to wombs,
Increase arousal and desire,
Stabilise emotions,
Improve mental health,
Emotional well-being,
Intimacy and s e x.
And connect you back to your body,
You meet yourself, lose yourself and make love to yourself over and over again,
You make sense of your life and no longer want to opt out of it or fetishise being somewhere else or being someone else.
Give yourself 8 weeks and experience it for yourself.
If you are unsatisfied in any way after you have immersed yourself in it there is a 100% money-back guarantee
For the over-giving women who have given so much of themselves to others and are ready to claim it back.
For the women who are tired of protecting the wall, they have placed around themselves and killed all pleasure and joy.
For women who are chomping at the bit to have space where they are free to get the freak on.
For women who want to explore their unique kink flavours and ramp up their relationship to pleasure.
For women who are lost in limbo land and their libido has gone awol… or was never there, to begin with.
For women who are already juiced and hungering to explore more.
Becoming a Dominatrix of your life and a Submissive to the Universe.
💦 We meet all of who you are, even the parts you hide, suppress and shame.
💦 You will begin to see these flavours are the most decadent parts that make you, you.
💦 Where pleasure, kink and domination are both who you are and what you surrender to.
💦 You will be so wet for yourself that you become willing to make love to every part of yourself.
💦 Confident in who you are and what you want.
Inside the Temple, you learn and embody-
🔥 Kink Archetypes and dynamics
🔥 The mutable Universal Laws
🔥 Sisterhood
🔥 Spirituality outside the marketplace.
🔥 Erotic Intelligence without overstimulation.
Explore who you are in a space where you are seen, heard and held deeply.
Where you get to meet your edge and dance with it.
Where you can give yourself full permission to let loose, have fun and feel amazing.
All the success and happiness in the world is not sustainable unless it gives you deep internal pleasure. Reclaiming our hedonism is the potent, thrilling and powerful portal we can activate. SOMATIC KINK is honouring the stories trapped inside your body, you inside your body that is craving to be seen.
The you that doesn’t want to work so hard trying to fit into a life that doesn’t even turn you on. It’s meeting yourself in ways that have been dormant for a long time.
Using ancient wisdom, universally recognised patterns and the evolution of consciousness to become a Dominatrix of your life and a Submissive to the Universe.
There is a parallel that runs through our lives and if left unconscious can cause havoc in our lives to the point where we feel numb to it, lost in it, foreign in it and completely controlled by it.
… And not even know it! Meeting and melting into what it means to be Hedonistic, Holy and Human will be the purest, whole and decadent experience you’ve ever had.
But don’t let me tell you, soak up what others have experienced-
“Thank you Renee for bringing me home and all the other parts of me who have been disconnected and a little lost in the world. Through the Immersion, I was able to tap into all the parts of me, the light and most importantly the dark that together came together like liquid gold seeping through every cell in my body resulting in a deep sense of ‘Coming Home to Me. If you have the tiny whisper, nudge or call to work with Renee and join the Internship, don’t repress it any longer. This experience has been life-changing for me on so many levels and this body of work has allowed me to grow, develop and expand in ways I couldn’t have ever imagined. Renee has a beautiful way of mixing theory and intuitive guidance, holding a sacred safe space for you to explore in whatever way works best for you with a sense of freedom but always feeling deeply held.”
“I honestly had no idea what I signed up for, it just felt right! If I had any expectations we exceeded every single one. I feel like I've been embodying the archetypes daily, which has completely broken down the last remnants of BS that I was holding onto. I feel reborn, alive and as though I have completely risen in WHO I BE in every sense of the word. Its awakened parts of me that I'd completely forgotten were present within, I feel whole. Thank you Renee for being part of our circle every week reminded me to give to myself first, to be present to all of us and even when I resisted I knew it was what I really needed at my core.”
“I had this feeling Renee was going to put me through the washing machine and wring me out to dry lol. And that is what she did, in the most loving and supportive way, having me feel completely held the entire way through. She helped me pull apart the beliefs I had on autopilot that was holding me back and causing me mental and physical pain. I have completely let go of the stuff that was in my way. I no longer feel incomplete or that I need to achieve something or be something to be complete. I learnt to make peace with where I am and enjoy the deliciousness of each and every moment. I feel like all parts of me have now been heard, and with that, I feel a gentle softness and I feel whole. I highly recommend Renee and her Immersion. It will rock your world in the best possible way.”
It is an absolute honour to do this work and one that continually leaves me in awe.
It’s an 8-week journey into the underworld that will rewrite and reunite you with all that you are. It has been carefully designed for you to be held and supported on every level.
You are surrounded by incredible women.
You get access to the most extraordinary and cutting-edge Mystical teachings that are usually kept secret.
It is a fusion of the realms and 23 years of experience in spirituality, kink, sexuality, sensuality, consciousness and embodiment.
Some of the most extraordinary unfoldings have been in this one element, it is truly the most beautiful thing we can do is witness someone in their raw, real and vulnerable truth at that moment. So much magic and miracles begin from there.
BEGINS 7th FEB 7:30pm AEDT 2024

"The most worthwhile thing I’ve ever done. Changed my world from being lost, agitated and caged … to calm, content and free. And I’m still learning. Don’t be freaked out by the language. If u want to live a life free from constraints then do this Experience. I guarantee you won’t regret it. I am finally happy." Kate
latest in the shop

"It went beyond all
Your Sacred Sovereign Sexuality becomes a life force that ripples throughout everything you do and will end all pursuits.
This cosmic seduction interconnects all that is so you melt into life and let it move through you. Life alters as you flip the lens and drop all the beige and fully own all of whom you are as your Hedonistic Holy Humxn, honouring this life with an amplified hunger, ready to devour and delight the world around you.
... You have alluring confidence speaking up and expressing what you want and are unafraid of your roar.
... You will know who you are and be unapologetic for it.
Through the COSMIC KINK you learn ancient wisdom to alter the gaze you see the world, we work with creating sacred union within your physical body, your emotional body and your spirit body.
We meet, embody and integrate archetypes that have been dormant, suppressed and/ or shamed for a long time and reclaim them in their full power.
We play with polarity and you learn how to transcend through pleasure as we activate your eros.
This work is profound and deep, not for the faint-hearted but it will be an experience you’ll never forget.
Many have said, “It went beyond all expectations.”
If this is right for you, you’ll feel it… You may not know why or even understand, but you’ll feel a pull. Trust that!
Become the Dominatrix of your life and a submissive to the universe!

8 Kink Archetypes- learn the power and false power of your kink. “With great power comes great responsibility” Spiderman. Knowing the power and false power of each one we can begin a new, healthy, integrated relationship with each of them. They are within all of us and we can no longer ignore them, so let’s befriend them instead!
8 Divine Temples
8 Sacred practices, processes and explorations.
3 Mutable Universal Laws- these Laws are designed to change, however, most people get lost, stuck and caught up in them which causes the constant seeking of the “thing” which will change everything, it causes the “us vs them” vibe and the hierarchy of emotion and feeling states which in turn create an unrealistic relationship with “happiness” and “love”. => toxic relationships and more eek.